
Over the years I have done many printmaking courses at City Lit, London and Northern Print, Newcastle. My favourite techniques are collagraph, linocut, woodcut and screen printing. Like the Surrealists, I am fascinated by the unexpected and the role of chance. I grew up by the North Sea and love being by the sea and water. The watery ripples and patterns have rhythms that I also see in mountains and rock formations.

Staiths, 2019
Electronic screenprint
11 x 19 cm

Flowing, 2017
30 x 45 cm

Water, 2021
Linocut printed on grey paper
15 x 20 cm

Sheep and Hadrian’s Wall, 2023
Screenprint (detail)
20 x 20cm

Standing Tall, 2017
26 x 17.5 cm